Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday Visits at Taft

          For almost 2 months now, every Wednesdays, I would go visit my bestfriend, Chimie, at Taft
     and have some sisterly bond. We'd go eat, shop, watch movies, etc. She also introduced me to 
     her roomate, Gela, and some of her blockmates from La Salle where she's studying now.

          So.... yesterday, she asked me if I could bring my DSLR 'cause she'll need to take some 
     shots of me for one of her school requirements. 

test shot

Fail shot 'cause of the wind 

          She told me these photos are for my outfit post:

Excuse the dirty flats, It's one of my favorites!

Bad hair day!

          Those are some of the "decent" shots.. I don't like it when someone's taking pictures
     of me. I'm just goofing around while Chimie's taking pictures. HA HA

          Went to Glorietta + Greenbelt after. *Saw Anne Curtis, Bubbles, Paraiso, Sarah Meier, and
     Maggie Wilson.* Searched for random books I'd like to buy someday. Then ate at Ravioli.

Carbonara = all time favorite

Photos: (c) Chimie

-- N. xx