Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday Visits at Taft

          For almost 2 months now, every Wednesdays, I would go visit my bestfriend, Chimie, at Taft
     and have some sisterly bond. We'd go eat, shop, watch movies, etc. She also introduced me to 
     her roomate, Gela, and some of her blockmates from La Salle where she's studying now.

          So.... yesterday, she asked me if I could bring my DSLR 'cause she'll need to take some 
     shots of me for one of her school requirements. 

test shot

Fail shot 'cause of the wind 

          She told me these photos are for my outfit post:

Excuse the dirty flats, It's one of my favorites!

Bad hair day!

          Those are some of the "decent" shots.. I don't like it when someone's taking pictures
     of me. I'm just goofing around while Chimie's taking pictures. HA HA

          Went to Glorietta + Greenbelt after. *Saw Anne Curtis, Bubbles, Paraiso, Sarah Meier, and
     Maggie Wilson.* Searched for random books I'd like to buy someday. Then ate at Ravioli.

Carbonara = all time favorite

Photos: (c) Chimie

-- N. xx

Lunch Formal - Part I

          Our debut party held at Bellevue Alabang was mainly for our friends and closest relatives
     so we had Lunch Formals for each of my mom and dad's side of the family. The following
     weekend after our debut, July 1, we celebrated Lunch Formal - Part I at Le Petit Cheri - El Molito,
     Alabang. Our guests were all relatives and friends of my mom.

          Photos before the program: (No photos during the program so these are only few)

Someone wants to take the book home..


photo wall

Family photo!

-- N. xx

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lunch Formal - Part II

           Part II was held at Kirin Chinese Restaurant - Bonifacio High Street last July 8. 
     All our guests came from Bulacan, my father's side of the family.

          There's nothing much to say I guess.. We just walked around Boni High while waiting for 
     our guests + took some shots (we're obligated to) (eww) for the photogs.


I always do "that"
I don't know why..

My eyes are closed HA HA

Souvenirs! Cupcakes by Sonja

          On to the lunch..

Mama Rose and Papa Ome giving their birthday messages

Birthday cake! (For the 3rd time)

Photos: (c) Pol Espino Photography - (

-- N. xx

Sunday, August 12, 2012

18th -- June 23, 2012

          Maybe some of you have seen my previous blog about our debut but, all those are just
     grabbed from my friends' albums (as I've said), so I decided to make a new one, and these are legit.

          So... Go on, look. :)

Our invitation made by the GORGEOUS "Jessel the Great" 

Where our debut was held

          We arrived at Bellevue around 4pm though the program proper starts at 9. We stayed 
     in a suite room where we had our make-up and hair done, took some photos for the AVPs,
     and just "chill" till the party starts.

Our dresses were delivered the same day

Lovin' make-up brushes
Make-up time!

all throughout i have my BB + iPad with me to get in touch with my friends

Family photo before our party!
A few shots taken before we proceed..

Dad with his welcome speech HAHA

After the blowing of candles


Cupcakes were given to guests as souvenirs



          After the 18 treasures and shots, we proceeded to the DARE game. Everyone got a kick out of
     the last dare which was from my dad: To tell him who our boyfriends are and you'll receive 
     2,000php on the spot. Everyone's waiting for someone to speak up but of course, no one did. 
     The prize went up to 5,000php so the guests started screaming and laughing 'cause it was so crazy. 
     God, dad. Desperate! 

Paolo and Lester saying their birthday messages

Zhinkie and friends with their awesome dance number!

Open bar from 9pm!

and the REAL party started

DJ MED's booth

Arrol + Cuties!

By 2am, everyone was drunk. 

With our AWESOME event organizers, Tara and Isabelle

With my dad's side of the family


A million thanks to:
Tara Cabaero & Isabelle Martinez - Event Organizers
Santi Obcena - for our dresses (
Pol Espino Photography - (
Bellevue Hotel Alabang - (

--N. xx