Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hello baby Samantha!

          Last Tuesday, my sister was invited to be one of the Ninangs of baby Samantha, her bestfriend, 
     Mayumi's daughter. The Christening was held at Liceo de Los Banos Church and reception 
     followed at Villa Cuevas Resort at Pansol.

During the Christening

Hi Peachy! 

Gerald and Peachy

Blurry f*ck

All the Ninongs and Ninangs

Nikka, Peachy, Czai, and Mayumi

Full of Peachy! HA HA HA

Czai + Sig (her boyfriend)

Mayumi and baby Sam! 


- N. xx

Friday, May 25, 2012

Philippine Fashion Week - Men's Wear

          Attended "The Philippine Fashion Week - Men's Wear" last Thursday! All thanks to my 
     awesome bestfriend, Chimie and her Tita who gave her a spare ticket so I could come with. :)

          Saw Divine Lee just as we're going in at SMX. She smiled and said hi to us. Can't get over it!!! <3 

          Below are photos I took during the show. Crappy photos are crappy.

Before the show, people started pouring in
We were seated at the 5th row

People at the other side. HAHAHA

This boy looks like my friend, Paolo Guevarra

Look at all the camera men. HAHAHA 

Lovin' this look


Mens Wear Collection

Obligatory photo! HA HA HA

Chimie with Ulysses King

Me with the boyfriend LOL

What I wore 

 -- N. xx