Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Palms Country Club

     Saturday afternoon well spent with Tricia + Nikka + Chimie! :)

(c) google

Chimie! You deserve a solo pic in my blog for being an awesome photog. Lol

Tricia + Nikka goofing around

Nachos, burger and fries for merienda!

Bye, Palms! 
-- N. xx

Saturday, April 14, 2012

@ Chimie's

          Went to Los Banos with Dorella + Nikka to get our classcards and Form 5 from the
     College Secretary. Got 1.75 in SDS10, 2.5 in ENTR1, PSY1, HUME2 ; and 3 in BIO2. Yayy! :)

           Then Chimie's after! Have nothing to do so we baked chocolate crinkles + made pizza.

All the things we needed,  - the cooking oil 

How the crinkles looked like just after mixing
I was the one who mixed the ingredients all together. I think I have a future in baking. LOL

Dorella + Nikka 

Batch 1

Batch 2

Batch 3 : I made these! :)

Then made pizza!

-- N. xx

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Holy Week

        @ Bulacan where our grandparents (father's side) live. We always celebrate Holy Week there
        for my Lolo, specially my Lola needs all the help she can get. 
                They started getting busy Wednesday night, April 4. My Lola's friends came over and
        helped cook a lot of food for the "Pabasa" we were having the following day. 
                April 5, Thursday, the "Pabasa" started around 5am. All day long, our house was filled
        with people, some we know, some we don't. 
                April 6, Friday, last day of Prusisyon. Being our Lola serves at the church, we are always
        participating in this event.
        This one's ours..

This one's behind us

More photos of our "karo"

I think my dad bought a 100+ dozen of flowers for the decoration.
He imitated the ones you see at Panagbenga Festival 

Dad and Nikka

You could see here that my dad's holding something, that's a switch. He uses it to control the hands of Jesus and "the one who looks like a soldier"  (I don't know what you call 'em..) cause it moves, like a robot. Kids who would see it always point it out to their parents/friends

- N. xx

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Coron, Palawan

     HELLO! I'm new here sooo, yeah. Please be nice. :)

   DAY 1

              These are photos of random people and such I saw at the airport + inside the airplane.
     I was bored. *I saw Melissa Ricks + Kean Cipriano.* (la lang)

I was entertained by this guy. HAHA. He was directing(?) the plane
     Inside ..

These three are siblings,  I think.. And they were so noisy, but cute!

Heard this kid say, "Ate, we're going to the clouds!!!"

View from the window

     Arrived Coron by 11:30 !


I think they call them "bangkeros"?

@ Dive Link Resort! Where we stayed for 3 days and 2 nights

          We had lunch then went island hopping.

 1st stop: Twin Lagoon

I don't know what I'm laughing at in this photo..
P.S. When you look down, you can't see the bottom.. That's how deep it is. :)

          2nd: ?????  HAHAHA. I forgot the name of the place!

          About 15-20 min. hike to get to the lagoon :)

There were a lot of mosquitoes around the place btw, but that's because of the rain

Hi mom and dad!


      And this is the 4th! I don't have any photos taken at our 3rd stop..

      Maquinit Hot Spring

     Then back to the resort! :)

          Resort about 6pm. Had a 30-minute nap then dinner + body massage :)

   DAY 2: 

          Breakfast at 9, then island hopping again!

          1st Stop: (near) Two Seasons Resort (forgot the name of the main island)

White Sand!!

Nikka looks like a pregnant woman (woman, LOL)  here. 

I think my complexion got darker here..

And here.. :(

          2nd Stop: Banana Island! Where we had lunch

          3rd Stop: Malcapuya Island

          I can't resist their white sand beach, IT WAS AWESOME.

Hello, curved spine! -__-

    DAY 3:  Busuanga Airport

     Our flight was delayed. I'm getting bored. And there were a lot of cute kids around SO I decided to
     take pictures of them instead. These two are the cutest!! *u*

She came up to me handing biscuits. Sweet! And her blue eyes. God 

And this one's  a cutie. Look how he smiled for the camera..
I'll wait for you, kid!!

Bye Palawan! 

-- N. xx