Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Coron, Palawan

     HELLO! I'm new here sooo, yeah. Please be nice. :)

   DAY 1

              These are photos of random people and such I saw at the airport + inside the airplane.
     I was bored. *I saw Melissa Ricks + Kean Cipriano.* (la lang)

I was entertained by this guy. HAHA. He was directing(?) the plane
     Inside ..

These three are siblings,  I think.. And they were so noisy, but cute!

Heard this kid say, "Ate, we're going to the clouds!!!"

View from the window

     Arrived Coron by 11:30 !


I think they call them "bangkeros"?

@ Dive Link Resort! Where we stayed for 3 days and 2 nights

          We had lunch then went island hopping.

 1st stop: Twin Lagoon

I don't know what I'm laughing at in this photo..
P.S. When you look down, you can't see the bottom.. That's how deep it is. :)

          2nd: ?????  HAHAHA. I forgot the name of the place!

          About 15-20 min. hike to get to the lagoon :)

There were a lot of mosquitoes around the place btw, but that's because of the rain

Hi mom and dad!


      And this is the 4th! I don't have any photos taken at our 3rd stop..

      Maquinit Hot Spring

     Then back to the resort! :)

          Resort about 6pm. Had a 30-minute nap then dinner + body massage :)

   DAY 2: 

          Breakfast at 9, then island hopping again!

          1st Stop: (near) Two Seasons Resort (forgot the name of the main island)

White Sand!!

Nikka looks like a pregnant woman (woman, LOL)  here. 

I think my complexion got darker here..

And here.. :(

          2nd Stop: Banana Island! Where we had lunch

          3rd Stop: Malcapuya Island

          I can't resist their white sand beach, IT WAS AWESOME.

Hello, curved spine! -__-

    DAY 3:  Busuanga Airport

     Our flight was delayed. I'm getting bored. And there were a lot of cute kids around SO I decided to
     take pictures of them instead. These two are the cutest!! *u*

She came up to me handing biscuits. Sweet! And her blue eyes. God 

And this one's  a cutie. Look how he smiled for the camera..
I'll wait for you, kid!!

Bye Palawan! 

-- N. xx

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