Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Holy Week

        @ Bulacan where our grandparents (father's side) live. We always celebrate Holy Week there
        for my Lolo, specially my Lola needs all the help she can get. 
                They started getting busy Wednesday night, April 4. My Lola's friends came over and
        helped cook a lot of food for the "Pabasa" we were having the following day. 
                April 5, Thursday, the "Pabasa" started around 5am. All day long, our house was filled
        with people, some we know, some we don't. 
                April 6, Friday, last day of Prusisyon. Being our Lola serves at the church, we are always
        participating in this event.
        This one's ours..

This one's behind us

More photos of our "karo"

I think my dad bought a 100+ dozen of flowers for the decoration.
He imitated the ones you see at Panagbenga Festival 

Dad and Nikka

You could see here that my dad's holding something, that's a switch. He uses it to control the hands of Jesus and "the one who looks like a soldier"  (I don't know what you call 'em..) cause it moves, like a robot. Kids who would see it always point it out to their parents/friends

- N. xx

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