Saturday, April 14, 2012

@ Chimie's

          Went to Los Banos with Dorella + Nikka to get our classcards and Form 5 from the
     College Secretary. Got 1.75 in SDS10, 2.5 in ENTR1, PSY1, HUME2 ; and 3 in BIO2. Yayy! :)

           Then Chimie's after! Have nothing to do so we baked chocolate crinkles + made pizza.

All the things we needed,  - the cooking oil 

How the crinkles looked like just after mixing
I was the one who mixed the ingredients all together. I think I have a future in baking. LOL

Dorella + Nikka 

Batch 1

Batch 2

Batch 3 : I made these! :)

Then made pizza!

-- N. xx

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